June 24, 2023

wide and fixed split of S2

wide and fixed split of S2 wide and fixed split of S2 [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] PDA[D] TOF wide and fixed split of S2 Why there...

Holt-Oram syndrome

Holt-Oram syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome – all are true except [A] Autosomal dominant disorder[B] Upper limb abnormalities[C] Can progress to complete heart block[D] Also called as...

Atrial septal defects associated with syndromes

Atrial septal defects associated with syndromes Atrial septal defects associated with Holt-Oram syndrome [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus...

Cooing dove murmur

Cooing dove murmur Cooing dove murmur usually seen in all except [A] Severe aortic valve regurgitation[B] Mitral regurgitation[C] Pulmonary regurgitation[D] Calcific aortic stenosis Cooing dove...

Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome

Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome Platypnea–orthodeoxia syndrome distinguished by breathlessness that is exacerbated by [A] Rest[B] Lying down[C] Standing up[D] Exercise Most common cause of Platypnea-orthodeoxia...

Cyanosis in Atrial septal defect

Cyanosis in atrial septal defect Cyanosis in atrial septal defect Cyanosis in atrial septal defect may result from all of the following except [A] Eisenmenger...

Natural History of Atrial septal defect

Natural History of Atrial septal defect Natural History of Atrial septal defect What is the most common presentation for undetected ASD with a significant shunt...

Atrial septal defect shunt

Atrial septal defect shunt degree of left-to-right atrial shunting depends on mostly [A] Ejection fraction of RV[B] Size of pulmonary artery[C] Cardiac cycle[D] Diastolic filling...

Types of Atrial septal defect

Four types of interatrial communications exist: [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus defects Which of the following is true...

True Atrial septal defect

True Atrial septal defect Which of the following is true Atrial septal defect? [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus...