June 2023

Mitral Valve Area by Pressure half-time

Mitral Valve Area by Pressure half-time MVA is calculated as —– divided by pressure half-time [A] 120[B] 220[C] 300[D] 328 Mitral Valve Area by Pressure...

Right ventricular angina

Right ventricular angina Right ventricular angina is seen in [A] MS[B] MR[C] AR[D] PS Right ventricular angina Right ventricular angina Pulmonic stenosis – cause exertional...

Severe Mitral stenosis

Severe Mitral stenosis Severe Mitral stenosis Severe Mitral stenosis is suggested by all EXCEPT [A] Holodiastolic murmur[B] Long A2-OS interval[C] Loud P2[D] Elevated JVP with...

Murmur in Passive leg raising

Murmur in Passive leg raising Murmur in Passive leg raising Murmur in Passive leg raising increase in intensity EXCEPT [A] Mitral Stenosis[B] Mitral Regurgitation[C] HOCM[D]...

Murmurs become louder with squatting

Murmurs become louder with squatting All of the following Murmurs become louder with squatting EXCEPT [A] Mitral Stenosis[B] Mitral Regurgitation[C] HOCM[D] Aortic Regurgitation Murmurs become...

Murmurs become louder during Valsalva maneuver

Murmurs become louder during Valsalva maneuver Murmurs become louder during Valsalva maneuver [A] Mitral Stenosis[B] Mitral Regurgitation[C] HOCM[D] Aortic Regurgitation Murmurs become louder during Valsalva...

Functional mitral stenosis

Functional mitral stenosis Functional mitral stenosis is seen in [A] Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis[B] Mitral Regurgitation[C] Calcification of the mitral valve[D] Lutembacher’s syndrome Functional mitral stenosis...

Lutembacher’s syndrome with large ASD

In Lutembacher’s syndrome with large ASD Lutembacher’s syndrome with large ASD, pulmonary congestion will happen —— than a patient with small ASD [A] Early [B]...

Lutembacher’s syndrome

Lutembacher’s syndrome Lutembacher’s syndrome [A] Congenital ASD and Acquired MR[B] Congenital ASD and Congenital MS[C] Congenital ASD and Acquired MS[D] Congenital ASD and Congenital MR...

Most common type of Atrial Septal Defect

Most common type of Atrial Septal Defect Most common type of Atrial Septal Defect [A] Sinus venosus[B] Ostium primum[C] Ostium secundum defect[D] Coronary sinus defects...

Cooing dove murmur

Cooing dove murmur Cooing dove murmur usually seen in all except [A] Severe aortic valve regurgitation[B] Mitral regurgitation[C] Pulmonary regurgitation[D] Calcific aortic stenosis Cooing dove...

Acute mitral regurgitation classically occurs with

Acute mitral regurgitation classically occurs with Acute mitral regurgitation classically occurs with [A] trauma[B] papillary muscle rupture secondary to myocardial infarction[C] mitral valve prolapse[D] endocarditis...

Acute mitral regurgitation

Acute mitral regurgitation is characterized by Acute mitral regurgitation is characterized by all Except [A] Increase in preload [B] Decrease in afterload [C] Increase in...

Septal depolarisation

Septal depolarisation Normal depolarisation of the septum from [A] left to right[B] right to left [C] Both side at same time[D] Inferior to Superior Normal...

Septal bounce

Septal bounce Mitral stenosis Septal bounce seen in [A] Mostly in Systole[B] Early diastole[C] Only systole[D] Both systole and diastole What are the causes of...

Stress echocardiography

Stress echocardiography What are the advantages of Stress Echocardiography ? Which factors decrease the sensitivity and specificity of stress echocardiography? Because of difficulty interpreting wall...

Pericardial knock

Pericardial knock – is a high-pitched early diastolic sound What is the Mechanism of pericardial knock? Mechanism of pericardial knock – high-pitched, early diastolic sound...