Gerbode defect Types

Gerbode defect Types

Gerbode defect Types

  • (A) Supravalvular defect involving membranous portion of septal wall, superior to the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve.
  • (B) Infravalvular defect involving membranous portion of septal wall, below the septal leaflet
  • (C) Both supravalvular and infravalvular defect with septal leaflet of tricuspid valve.

Gerbode defect Types

Three types of Gerbode defect. Normal interventricular septum (A). Direct Gerbode defect (B). Indirect Gerbode defect (C). Intermediate Gerbode defect (D). Illustration by Soetisna TW (2021).

Gerbode defect Types

  • (A Direct Gerbode defect
  • (B) Indirect Gerbode defect
  • (C) Intermediate Gerbode defect

Illustration by Soetisna TW (2021).

Gerbode defect

  1. Abnormal shunting between the left ventricle and right atrium
  2. congenital defect or prior cardiac insults.
  3. Most prevalent cause of Gerbode defect – congenital
  4. Acquired cases has recently been reported