Left Atrium thrombus classification

Left Atrium thrombus classification

Left Atrium thrombus classification

Left Atrium thrombus classification

Ball valve thrombus belongs to which of the following type in Left Atrium thrombus classification

[A] TYPE – I
[D] TYPE – V

Left Atrium thrombus classification

TYPESLeft Atrium thrombus classification
Iathrombus confined to LAA
Ibthrombus in LAA and protruding into LA cavity
IIAattached to LA roof but above the plane of fossa ovalis
IIbreaching below plane of fossa ovalis
IIIattached to interatrial septum
IVmobile with attachment to roof or lateral wall
V ball valve thrombus
Left Atrium thrombus classification
  1. Left Atrium thrombus classification
    • Ia – thrombus confined to LAA
    • Ib – thrombus in LAA and protruding into LA cavity
    • IIa – attached to LA roof but above the plane of fossa ovalis
    • IIb- reaching below plane of fossa ovalis
    • III – attached to interatrial septum
    • IV- mobile with attachment to roof or lateral wall
    • V – ball valve thrombus
  2. Traditionally, LA thrombus was a contraindication for BMV but it can be carried out in the Types Ia, Ib and IIa thrombus with almost 100% success in the hands of experienced operators.
  3. Types Ia, Ib and IIa can undergo BMV by using modified over the wire technique.