Most common type of PAPVC

Most common type of PAPVC

Most common type of PAPVC

[A] PAPVC with ASD
[B] PAPVC with intact atrial septum
[C] PAPVC with complex congenital heart disease
[D] Scimitar syndrome

Types of PAPVC

  • PAPVC with ASD (80-90% cases)
  • PAPVC with intact atrial septum (isolated PAPVC)
  • PAPVC with complex congenital heart disease (heterotaxia)
  • Scimitar syndrome (right pulmonary vein to inferior vena cava with lung sequestration)

Types of TAPVC

TAPVC – All the pulmonary veins connect to the systemic veins or right atrium, either by a common vertical vein or individually. Anatomically TAPVC can be divided into four subtypes based on the level of the anomalous connection as

  1. supracardiac
  2. cardiac
  3. infracardiac
  4. mixed.