Types of VSD in DORV

Types of VSD in DORV

Types of VSD in DORV

Most common type VSD in DORV

[A] Subaortic VSD
[B] Subpulmonary VSD
[C] Doubly committed VSD
[D] Non-committed VSD

VSD is categorized in order of prevalence

  • Subaortic – upper margin of the VSD is close to the aortic valve in the subaortic type
  • Subpulmonary – upper margin of the VSD is close to the pulmonary valve in the subpulmonary type
  • Doubly committed type – upper margin of the VSD is close to both the semilunar valves
  • Non-committed or remote – VSD is generally suggested as non-committed when the distance between the VSD and arterial valves is greater than the age-matched aortic valve diameter