Gooseneck deformity
Gooseneck deformity Gooseneck deformity seen in [A] Interrupted aortic arch[B] Patent Ductus Atreriosus[C] Atrioventricular Canal Defects[D] Tetralogy of Fallot Gooseneck deformity Atrioventricular Canal Anatomy and...
Gooseneck deformity Gooseneck deformity seen in [A] Interrupted aortic arch[B] Patent Ductus Atreriosus[C] Atrioventricular Canal Defects[D] Tetralogy of Fallot Gooseneck deformity Atrioventricular Canal Anatomy and...
Van Praagh Classification Van Praagh Classification is used for [A] Interrupted aortic arch[B] Patent Ductus Atreriosus[C] Atrioventricular Canal Defects[D] Tetralogy of Fallot Van Praagh Classification...
Atrial septal defect size classification ASD must be at least ———- in diameter to carry a significant left-to-right shunt [A] 8 mm[B] 10 mm[C] 12...
Lion of the Right ventricle Lion of the Right ventricle [A] Moderator band[B] Anterior papillary muscle[C] Infundibulum[D] Oblique septal fibers Lion of the Right ventricle...
Ashman Phenomenon Ashman Phenomenon is typically [A] RBBB morphology[B] LBBB morphology[C] Long pause after ashort cycle[D] Idioventricular rhythm What is the mechanism of Ashman Phenomenon?...
Ashman Phenomenon Ashman Phenomenon is typically seen in [A] RBBB[B] Atrial fibrillation[C] Ventricular tachycardia[D] Idioventricular rhythm Ashman Phenomenon Jer5150, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia...
Right bundle branch block in Congenital heart disease Right bundle branch block in Congenital heart disease Right bundle branch block in Congenital heart disease
Incomplete right bundle branch block in Congenital heart disease Incomplete right bundle branch block seen in [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] TGA[D] TOF Incomplete right bundle branch...
‘Crochetage’ sign on ECG ‘Crochetage’ sign on ECG seen in [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] TGA[D] TOF ‘Crochetage’ sign on ECG
wide and fixed split of S2 wide and fixed split of S2 [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] PDA[D] TOF wide and fixed split of S2 Why there...
Holt-Oram syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome – all are true except [A] Autosomal dominant disorder[B] Upper limb abnormalities[C] Can progress to complete heart block[D] Also called as...
Atrial septal defects associated with syndromes Atrial septal defects associated with Holt-Oram syndrome [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus...
Cooing dove murmur Cooing dove murmur usually seen in all except [A] Severe aortic valve regurgitation[B] Mitral regurgitation[C] Pulmonary regurgitation[D] Calcific aortic stenosis Cooing dove...
Why left atrial v waves are taller than right atrial v waves? v waves are passive atrial filling waves while ventricles are in systole. Simpson’s...
Left atrialization of the jugular venous pressure Left atrialization of the jugular venous pressure Left atrialization of the jugular venous pressure Left atrialization of the...
Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome Platypnea–orthodeoxia syndrome distinguished by breathlessness that is exacerbated by [A] Rest[B] Lying down[C] Standing up[D] Exercise Most common cause of Platypnea-orthodeoxia...
Cyanosis in atrial septal defect Cyanosis in atrial septal defect Cyanosis in atrial septal defect may result from all of the following except [A] Eisenmenger...
Natural History of Atrial septal defect Natural History of Atrial septal defect What is the most common presentation for undetected ASD with a significant shunt...
Atrial septal defect shunt degree of left-to-right atrial shunting depends on mostly [A] Ejection fraction of RV[B] Size of pulmonary artery[C] Cardiac cycle[D] Diastolic filling...
Four types of interatrial communications exist: [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus defects Which of the following is true...
True Atrial septal defect Which of the following is true Atrial septal defect? [A] Ostium primum defects[B] Ostium secundum defects[C] Sinus venosus defects[D] Coronary sinus...
For any patient who is not adequately anticoagulated, presenting with atrial flutter or fibrillation longer than 24 hours, TEE should be performed before chemical or...