Cardiology Outlines
Image Questions / Interventional Cardiology
Image Question-6
Image Question-5
Coronary artery ectasia
Image Question-4
Mitral Stenosis / Valvular Heart Disease
Normal function of the mitral valve depends on which structures?
“Hockey-stick” appearance of Anterior mitral leaflet
Echocardiogram / Image Questions
Image Question-3
Interventional Cardiology
Why Fractional flow reserve (FFR) measurement NOT intended to be done in case of CTO?
Image Question-2
Image Question-1
Better outcomes after a catheter-based balloon mitral valvotomy procedure
Physical signs of Mitral stenosis
What is Ortner’s syndrome?
What is the rate of decrease in mitral valve orifice in rheumatic mitral stenosis?
What is the cause of abnormal LV function in mitral stenosis?
Low gradient severe mitral stenosis
Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis is characterized by
Why Tachycardia is one of the most important factors in increasing LA pressures in mitral stenosis?
Hallmark of mitral stenosis in Echocardiogram
Mitral valve involvement in Acute Rheumatic Fever
Pressure gradient across the mitral valve
Congenital Heart Disease
Coronary sinus septal defect in the presence of a left superior vena cava
Einthoven’s triangle-ECG Question-2
Carvallo’s sign
Most common presenting symptoms in adults in Atrial Septal Defect [ASD]
‘Crochetage’ sign on ECG
Wilkins Scoring System for Mitral Valvuloplasty
RVH in congenital heart disease
Cardiology / Genetics
Most common cardiac anomaly in Turner Syndrome
Left atrium is activated after the onset of Right atrium activation primarily by
Cardiology / Congenital Heart Disease
Most commonly result in Eisenmenger syndrome
Arrhythmias and Clinical EP
Ashman Phenomenon – mechanism
Basic Cardiology / Clinical Cardiology
MitraClip uses mechanism
Exercise intolerance in Cyanotic congenital heart disease
Tetralogy of of Fallot refers to abnormalities
Clinical Cardiology
Why left atrial v waves are taller than right atrial v waves?
Left Atrial appendage
Atrio-Hisian fibers
Systolic pressure difference between legs and arms in Coarctation of the aorta