“Swiss cheese” type VSD

“Swiss cheese” type VSD

“Swiss cheese” type VSD

“Swiss cheese” type VSD

[A] Muscular
[B] Membranous
[C] Perimenbranous
[D] Multiple muscular VSDs

“Swiss cheese” type VSD

  • Multiple muscular VSDs occur with a very large communication between the ventricles, it is also known as “Swiss cheese” VSD.
  • Frequently, spontaneous closure of small muscular VSDs occurs in the first 2 years of life (usually by age 6 months)

VSD Classification

  • VSDs are typically classified according to the location of the defect in one of the four ventricular components:
    • Inlet septum
    • Trabecular septum
    • Outlet/infundibular septum
    • Membranous septum