Arrhythmias and Clinical EP

Atrio-Hisian fibers

Atrio-Hisian fibers Which of the following is a type of Atrio-Hisian fibers [A] Bundle of Kent[B] Mahaim fibers[C] Bachmann’s bundle[D] Brechenmacher fibers Atrio-Hisian fibers Atrio-Hisian...

Ashman Phenomenon – mechanism

Ashman Phenomenon Ashman Phenomenon is typically [A] RBBB morphology[B] LBBB morphology[C] Long pause after ashort cycle[D] Idioventricular rhythm What is the mechanism of Ashman Phenomenon?...

Ashman Phenomenon

Ashman Phenomenon Ashman Phenomenon is typically seen in [A] RBBB[B] Atrial fibrillation[C] Ventricular tachycardia[D] Idioventricular rhythm Ashman Phenomenon Jer5150, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia...