Cardiology Outlines @ Refresher

D-TGA aorta position

D-TGA aorta position D-TGA aorta position to pulmonary artery [A] Anterior and to the Left[B] Anterior and to the Right[C] Posterior and to the Left[D]...

Most common associated anomalies in D-TGA

Most common associated anomalies in D-TGA Most common associated anomalies in D-TGA [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] PDA[D] AV Canal Defect Most common associated anomalies in D-TGA

Most commonly result in Eisenmenger syndrome

Most commonly result in Eisenmenger syndrome Which of the following condition most commonly result in Eisenmenger syndrome [A] ASD[B] Restrictive VSD[C] Moderately restrictive VSD[D] Large...

Commonest cause of dilated coronary sinus

Commonest cause of dilated coronary sinus Commonest cause of dilated coronary sinus [A] TAPVC[B]Persistent LSVC[C] Atrioventricular canal defects[D] Tetralogy of Fallot Commonest cause of dilated...

Mitral Valve Area is calculated as

Mitral Valve Area is calculated as Mitral Valve Area is calculated as ‘X’ divided by pressure half-time [A] 150[B] 220[C] 340[D] 660 Mitral Valve Area...

Fish-mouth configuration of Mitral valve

Fish-mouth configuration of Mitral valve Fish-mouth configuration of Mitral valve in Echocardiogram seen in [A] Amylodosis[B] Malignant Carcinoid[C] Rheumatic mitral stenosis[D] Congenital mitral stenosis Rheumatic...

Calculate Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

Calculate Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Given [A] 2 Wood unit[B] 5 Wood unit[C] 8 Wood unit[D] 12 Wood unit Calculate Pulmonary Vascular Resistance Pulmonary vascular resistance...

Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure

Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure is calculated by all of the following formula Except [A] MPAP = (SPPA + 2 x DPPA...

Pulmonary acceleration time

Pulmonary acceleration time Pulmonary acceleration time normal value [A] > 60 ms[B] >110 ms[C] < 60 ms[D] <110 ms Pulmonary acceleration time Right ventricular outflow...

Calculate Systemic Vascular Resistance

Calculate Systemic Vascular Resistance Given [A] 8 Wood unit[B] 10 Wood unit[C] 13 Wood unit[D] 21 Wood unit Mean arterial pressure = (2 diastolic pressure...

Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure

Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure Given – Systolic blood pressure – 150 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure – 90...

Pulmonary hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary hypertension is diagnosed when Mean PA Pressure [A] ≥ 15mmHg at rest[B] ≥ 20mmHg at rest[C] ≥ 25mmHg at rest[D] ≥ 30mmHg...

Equalization of diastolic pressures

Equalization of diastolic pressures Equalization of diastolic pressures of LV and RV seen in [A] Atrial fibrillation[B] Mitral stenosis[C] Aortic stenosis[D] Constrictive pericarditis Equalization of...

Square root sign

Square root sign Square root sign in ventricular pressure waveforms [A] Atrial fibrillation[B] Mitral stenosis[C] Hypovolemia[D] Constrictive pericarditis Square root sign

Blunted y descent

Blunted y descent Right atrial pressure waveform blunted y descent seen in all Except [A] Tamponade[B] Constrictive pericarditis[C] RV ischemia[D] Tricuspid stenosis Prominent y descent...

Kerley lines

Kerley lines Kerley lines Short parallel lines at the lung periphery usually [A] Kerley A lines[B] Kerley B lines[C] Kerley C lines[D] Not Kerley lines...