Sawtooth” pattern in ECG
Sawtooth” pattern in ECG
Sawtooth” pattern in ECG seen in
[A] Ventricular tachycardia
[B] Atrial fibrillation
[C] Atrial flutter
[D] Torsades de pointes
Sawtooth” pattern in ECG
ECG showing typical saw-tooth flutter waves that are best seen in leads II, III, and aVF
Atrial Flutter in a Newborn: a Case Report – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed 6 Aug, 2023]
Phases of Sawtooth pattern
Sawtooth pattern in ECG – pattern is composed of a two‐phased descent and a rapid ascent, with no isoelectric interval.
Sawtooth pattern in ECG
- Atrial flutter (AFl) may exist with or without underlying structural heart disease.
- Typical AFl presents as a “sawtooth” pattern on the ECG – with inverted flutter (F) waves in the inferior leads and upright F waves in V1.